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【 Quality First, Hard Core Technology, Strength Online 】 Shenzhen Fayuan's 2024 Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition in Munich has been a complete success!

Release time:2024-05-07

Gathering to produce fruitful results and drawing a blueprint for intelligent transformation

Congratulations on the successful completion of the 2024 Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition held by Shenfa Source in Munich! ✿✿ヽ (° ▽ °) ノ✿


The Grand Exhibition in Munich

The exhibition covers an area of nearly 75000 square meters and has attracted over 900 innovative enterprises from around the world, showcasing their cutting-edge technologies and new products. This strong combined force is driving the electronic manufacturing industry from quantitative growth to a qualitative leap. Whether it is the research and development of intelligent devices, the integration of manufacturing systems, or the application and promotion of new materials, these innovative forces are deeply rewriting the traditional pattern of the electronic manufacturing industry, leveraging technology as the fulcrum to drive the quality leap and structural optimization of the entire industry. Next, please follow in my footsteps and review the wonderful moments at the Shenzhen Source booth of this exhibition!


ShenFaYuan booth

Exciting Review of the Exhibition

At this exhibition, our company, Shenfayuan, brought four wire harness and terminal welding machines to the Munich Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition, namely, small square wire harness welding machines, large square wire harness welding machines, small square automatic feeding terminal welding machines, and large square terminal welding machines. The large square wire harness welding machine and the large square terminal welding machine were exhibited for the first time at the exhibition, attracting many domestic appearance exhibitors to stop and take photos for consultation upon their debut; Even colleagues couldn't resist coming to our booth to exchange information and seek detailed equipment information.


Large square terminal welding machine04.webp.jpg

Large square wire harness welding machine

Technological innovation is the driving force for enterprise development. With the comprehensive popularization of new energy electric vehicles, Deep Source Ultrasonic has taken the trend and launched a large square terminal welding machine (left figure), which can effectively weld copper wires and terminals of 120 square meters or less. The welding effect is stable and reliable, with low impedance, making it a good helper for welding new energy vehicle wire harnesses.


Sample after welding with a large square terminal welding machine

During the exhibition, the Shenzhen Fayuan booth was bustling with activity! The exhibition lasts for three days, with a constant flow of people coming and going every day. This shows the lively level of the exhibition and the unique craftsmanship of our company's deep source exhibits.

On the ShenFaYuan booth

The 2024 Munich Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition has come to an end, but the excitement is still ongoing. Looking forward to seeing you again in the next edition!

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